halls of residence

美 [hɔlz əv ˈrezɪdəns]英 [hɔːlz ɒv ˈrezɪdəns]
  • n.(大学)学生宿舍
  • hall of residence的复数
halls of residencehalls of residence
  1. Accommodation for the university language centres is usually in university halls of residence though some are also able to provide family homestay if required .


  2. University partnerships programme , a builder and manager of halls of residence and university infrastructure , sets up special purposes companies to manage its holdings in which universities take minority shareholdings .


  3. New students may be accommodated in halls of residence .


  4. We 've arranged a single room for you in one of the University Halls of Residence .


  5. The lecture halls were about a mile away from the halls of residence .
